
Communication skills


In non-verbal communication we transmit messages by using body language and voice instead of words. Non-verbal communication is largely unintentional, so we’re often unaware of the signals we send out. The good thing is that you can intentionally change some of your non-verbal communication to your advantage.

Non-verbal behaviour is used for expressing emotions, attitudes and personality traits and for supporting verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is more powerful than verbal, it’s more direct, it tells more about a person, it can have multiple meanings and we are more likely to trust it than verbal.

In this Power up we give you:

7 Rules of successful verbal communication


Following these rules will have multiple benefits, the key ones being:

  • better overall understanding and fewer misunderstandings
  • saving your own and other people’s time
  • nurturing and developing good interpersonal relationships.

Read carefully the following messages containing mistakes and think how you would correct them. Check your answers by turning over the cards.


Communication is an essential skill for every human being, and everyone should get every opportunity to get better at it. You need to look no further. One click and you can start upgrading you Communication Skills today.


Knowledge grows when shared and is best learned through teaching. Learn & knowledge – pass it on to those who need it. 😊

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