Uzmite Novu dozu LPC-a i u svoju komunikaciju na poslovnom engleskom ugradite fraze za prave znalce. Probijte Glass Ceiling već danas a trajan uspjeh osigurajte kroz novi program poslovnog engleskog jezika Business English 3.
Aktivni LPC for Business korisnici već imaju pristup, a novi korisnici ga mogu pronaći na linku:
The glass ceiling is a term that describes the invisible obstacles that make it difficult for women and minorities
to advance in the workplace. In theory, any qualified person can rise in the ranks at work and enjoy the perks that come with that. There are even legal and corporate protections, but this subtle form of discrimination persists.
Leaders may or may not be aware of their own biases involving gender and race. Women and minorities may be left out of meetings and mass communications. They may also find themselves left out of networking events. When you add it all up, these exclusions can deprive them of mentors and powerful professional relationships. They’re not informed about upcoming events and opportunities that could advance their career.
Listen and repeat out loud the key expressions from this lesson.
Znanje se množi kad se dijeli i najbolje se uči kad se podučava. Komunicirajte svoje znanje – prenesite ga nekom kome je potrebno. 😊
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