
Osnove hrvatskog za zaposlenike u dućanu | Basic Croatian for Store Workers

Jezik programa: Engleski

35.00 EUR / 263.71 KN (1 EUR = 7.53450 KN)

This program will help you learn basic Croatian words and phrases quickly and easily, enabling you to successfully handle everyday situations while working in a store. Through structured lessons and practical exercises, you will gain the skills needed to communicate with customers and colleagues, enhancing your work performance.

Successfully completing this program will boost your confidence, help with making a great impression on customers, and you will perform your tasks more effectively and efficiently.

Lessons in the program:
  1. Kako ostaviti sjajan dojam | How to Make a Great Impression
  2. Hrana i piće | Food and Drinks
  3. Snalaženje u dućanu | Navigating the store
Key benefits of the program:
  • Quick and easy learning of Croatian basic words and phrases
  • Increased confidence in communicating with customers and colleagues
  • Improved work efficiency
  • Making a positive impact on customers and enhancing their loyalty
Basic information about the program Osnove hrvatskog za zaposlenike u dućanu | Basic Croatian for Store Workers:
Number of lessons in the program: 3
Availability: 12 months from the date of purchase
Knowledge assessment: assessment at the end of the program
Certificate of completion for the online program: yes

Similar programs for you:
If you want broaden your knowledge of Croatian language, check out the program: Hrvatski za početnike | Croatian for Beginners
If you want to buy more programs for your workers, send us the request on the link: Zatraži edukaciju

12 mjeseci od kupnje

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